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Upload Your Video

On this page you can upload your video directly to our inbox. If this does not work, see below for other solutions.

PS! The fastest and easiest solution is to become a member (it's free)

on the page or in our app - and upload video in groups or on your profile.

Your profile and groups are only visible to members.

We will be notified when you have uploaded your video.

Participants in Norway and Denmark must after registration / registration upload a video to us - 1 video of 1 song - of such a quality that we can show it in public

videos will / can be shown publicly during both finals and during qualifying / selection

If you advance to your country's final you will also need to submit 2 new videos.


In the Karaoke Grand Prix, there will only be one video you will be judged by.


Your registration / registration must be completed first.

It is only allowed to send entries approved by the singer / artist.

Only contributions to Karaoke NM (KNM) 2021 Norway and Denmark

or Karaoke Grand Prix (KGP) Norway 2021.

All video MUST be a live recording. Audio and video MUST be recorded simultaneously.

Lipsync / miming is not allowed.

Video (song) contribution to KNM must be a maximum of 6 minutes.

Video (song) contribution to KGP must be a song performed in ESC,

MGP or other national final for ESC.



Video innspilling behøver ikke være vanskellig.

Men det kan være lurt å tenke gjennom litt.


Alle innsendte bidrag skal være godkjent av deltaker og evt foresatte. 

Alle video SKAL være et live opptak. Lyd og bilde SKAL spilles inn samtidig.

Lipsync/miming er ikke tillatt.


Video (sang) bidrag skal være maks 6 minutter.


Du velger fritt hvilken låt du velger til din Video (sang) til Karaoke NM,

Karaoke SM, Karaoke DM og Karaoke IM.

Video (sang) bidrag til KGP skal være en sang fremført i ESC,

MGP eller annen nasjonal finale for ESC.

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